Cities in Normandy close to NOMAD Hotel Le Havre

Have you already visited Normandy ? Must see cities such as Etretat, Deauville or Honfleur are located at less than 30 minutes by car from Le Havre. Perfect for a day trip ! You will be glad to go back to the NOMAD Hotel Le Havre and sleep in your cozy bed !


Our hotel in Le Havre is located near the Cliffs of Etretat, at less than 40 minutes by car from Le Havre. You will be amazed by this unique landscape.
You can take the coastal paths in order to discover the cliffs that overhangs the sea, or you can take a boat to admire their verticality.
Etretat and its stunning landscapes have inspired many artists.


Deauville is at a 40 minutes drive away from Le Havre, perfect for a daily getaway.
Deauville is a coastal citythat belongs to the flowered coast, Deauville is known for  its huge casino, its golf courses, its horse races and its American Film Festival. The town is also famous for its very long beach.


Honfleur is at 30 minutes from Le Havre. The famous town is famous for its old docks located in the old harbour surrounded for typical houses from the 16th century to the 18th century. Honfleur inspired a few artists such as Claude Monet or Eugene Boudin. Love at first sight for this beautiful city of Calvados.